Participants thoughts on The RoadTrip

Session one of the RoadTrip

Scared, unsure, optimistic, I had no idea what it was all about. Scared it would be too religious.

Nervous, scared, interested, relieved, confused, suspicious, hesitant.

Uncertainty, but also curiosity. Thought I would give it a go and see what happens.

Session two - Thoughts on being stuck

We can get out of one stuck place – but I am finding now I am in a new season of life, and I need to renegotiate life.

I knew I was stuck. I thought being stuck was okay. Being open to share our stuck and learn there are many options to getting unstuck if we open our hearts and look forward.

RoadTrip makes us come to terms with our stuck place and gives us the realisation to do something about it. To accept our stuck place, and not hide it.

I realised I wasn’t breaking through and that something needed to change! I just didn’t know what that something was. I was trapped in the past.

Just being blindingly stuck.

Session three – twelve; And what to do about it

I realised I had found solutions in the past – but needed to do it again with some new challenges.

Confidence and tools and knowledge can make you brave.

Believing every day is different.

We have been given tools to realize when we are getting stuck, to step in quickly before we get too stuck.

I will plunge off the cliff to move on, its risky, but better than staying still.

Work on finding creative solutions.

Something has to change in your mindset.

Discovering new possibilities, activating problem solving in a new way

Deciding something is not working for you and walking away. New empowerment, I took my power back. And the relief after taking action.

How can I cut the first step into the bank to move upwards. Now I have a different perspective, and I can see the cliff with new eyes. Using a pioneering spirit. Then I can cut a track up the bank for others as well.

I feel like I am really living for the first time and its great!

I was holding on too tightly to the past. I needed to think outside the box.

Sometimes quitting is the right option. Walking away can be empowering and give you a new perspective.

Going from survival mode to intentional living mode.

Thriving After the RoadTrip

Peace, being on top of my circumstances. I can navigate and release things. I am now relieved, and contented.

I am living. I can make a decision. I can stick up for myself. I know myself and what I need. I can find creative ways to achieve in life.

From survival to: Realism, spontaneity, being less anxious. Having more confidence. More capacity, and more honesty.

I need new people in my life.

I can see my own needs and what makes me tick.

I know what makes my heart sing.

You can renew yourself as many times as you need to. We do grow back.

I know I need balance between work and health. I need my creative outlets. I need nature. I need my spirituality fed. I need goals, and the chance of exploration.

Knowing my happy place.

I am happy being me.

Being myself, and feeling contentment, gratitude, thankfulness, and I have more considered thinking.

I am leading a balanced life. I am more productive, I am healthier. I am thriving in every area of my life.

Things that make me thrive: Challenges, exploring, accomplishments, conversations, water, trees, new things to experience, live music, humour, planning ahead.

What makes me tick: holding on to my power. Being able to say no without guilt, making intentional plans and decisions, looking forward to new things. Working with my love of design and fashion.

I like the big horizons. Think big.

Seeing endless possibilities and taking time to dream them and grab onto them.

Challenges, accomplishments, and satisfaction

Using stories from the group as inspiration, taking a leaf out of some else page, and being successful at it. Being proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone.

Finding joy in my life. Having spontaneous laughter and being fulfilled.

Having less obligations and more options. Having acceptance and looking forward.

Wanting to be with people, and sometimes not. Appreciation of choice.

My time. My choice. My own space. My own activities.

Being tension free, stress free, and finding happiness.

“Going for gold” Having a new perspective, using the tools around you to move forward into the complete unknown.

I have discovered what doesn’t work for me and what I need for my life to thrive.

Life is an adventure.